NeJ2v68.exe is the version of Neverending Journey Second Edition that should be 100% compatible with BGT. It can also be played as a stand-alone version. NeJ2v691.exe is the latest version of Neverending Journey Second Edition and it is not compatible with BGT. It adds much more content over v6.8 and it is meant to be played as a stand-alone version. NeJ2v694.exe is a patch for Neverending Journey Second Edition that is not compatible with BGT. It encompasses the v6.92, v6.93, and v6.94 patches. NOTE: Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.66 is required! Setup-BGT.tp2 is the TP2 file needed in order to play NeJ with Baldur's Gate Trilogy. bgtsongs.exe will restore the original BG1 songs.